Tuesday, March 8, 2011

one of my new goodies

(image via sephora)
 hello loves

with my 25th birthday approaching within months my search for skin care products to ensure my youthfulness forever has gotten a little out of control.  i literally can sit on my computer and read the massive amounts of information out there about all the new products and all the amazing benefits they have and still not have a clue on what is right for me... it is horrid.  i must admit this is not how i found out about josie maran... while in line at sephora they box you in with all the sample sizes of their different products, it just isnt fair... i spend more money standing in line then when walking around shopping.  this is where i picked up josie maran daily moisturizer with SPF 40+ which contains argan oil.  i have crazy dry skin and this bad boy has wiped my skin into shape.  i am such a fan i had to share with you lovelies.  on top of balancing out my skin issues, they are a great company that supports women and fair trade, which made this product line way cooler in my book. 

pros:   has sephora's natural seal
               not greasy, heavy or oily
              safe enough to use on a baby's skin
              it is  a FAIR TRADE product!! (yay)

cons:  i haven't developed any issues with the product yet
         kind of has a perfume smell, which can throw some people off

what do you think about this product line? i think i going to try their pure argan oil next.



  1. Ooh, what dya reckon to this with acne? I'm tempted :D


  2. sarah,
    i have not had any issues with acne so far with this product. on josie maran's website it addresses acne issues and it states that it is a good product for it. i recommend doing your own research and every individuals skin reactives different to products. i hope it works for you the way it did for me, and keep me posted!!

